About your session:
Collaborative Healing with Spirit
Here's what to expect as the general sequence of a session.
Setting an intention
When you accept the invitation to embrace healing and personal development, your whole system arises to the occasion and opens to assistance from spirit to welcome learning and change. Any beings that show up to deliver a message, it is specifically related to the intention set.
During the session, you and I will be in conversation. I will continually relate to you what messages your visitors are offering.
We allow from 90 minutes to two hours for each session so we may immerse ourselves deeply into this process. When communication with spirit completes, I offer Reiki as a tool to help you integrate your learning and healing.
I recommend that after this type of session if possible to enjoy a couple of hours without work or other plans to enable your system to further assimilate.
These sessions are offered virtually and in person. Ninety minutes to two-hour session, $150.
Setting an intention
- Create an intention you would like to work with; it is your choice to share the intention or choose to hold it in your heart, no need to share ahead of time.
- These sessions are within the envelope of Love only and in the strictest of confidence.
- Your session may be in person, over the phone, or via Zoom and may be audio recorded if you wish; I record on my cell phone or yours if we are meeting in-person. If you choose to have your session recorded, and I record it, I will send you the recording and delete it from my phone and Google Drive when you can access it.
- If you choose, we can spend some time discussing your intention but only if you would find that beneficial.
- In a reclined position where you are, I offer Reiki while re-stating your intention (if you choose to share it) and guide a meditation (the meditation may be a healing meditation or solely for settling-in purposes).
- I then will actively engage with Spirit* (this engagement directs the conversation, the inquiries, any healing offered from Spirit and any practices suggested by Spirit).
- I am present to serve you on this journey in any way I am able during this process. This may unfold in different ways: in the practice of relaying information, acting as a go-between with you and Spirit and just listening if that is what is needed. You have the opportunity to ask questions at any point in the session; questions for me or for Spirit. I will relay to you messages and/or visuals I receive from whoever is showing up.
- There are often suggestions for practices or guidelines for healing rituals from Spirit.
- If we have time, Reiki will be offered again for integration at the end of the session.
- We close the session with conversation to coalesce the experience within the framework of your life.
- Please allow some space in your schedule after the session to take time for further integration.
- I check in with you about a week after your session by email to see if there are lingering questions or clarity needed.
- You may call or email at any point to ask questions before your session and following.
When you accept the invitation to embrace healing and personal development, your whole system arises to the occasion and opens to assistance from spirit to welcome learning and change. Any beings that show up to deliver a message, it is specifically related to the intention set.
During the session, you and I will be in conversation. I will continually relate to you what messages your visitors are offering.
We allow from 90 minutes to two hours for each session so we may immerse ourselves deeply into this process. When communication with spirit completes, I offer Reiki as a tool to help you integrate your learning and healing.
I recommend that after this type of session if possible to enjoy a couple of hours without work or other plans to enable your system to further assimilate.
These sessions are offered virtually and in person. Ninety minutes to two-hour session, $150.
"My session was excellent. Judy’s tone, words and insights (and rendering of messages from spirit and beings that came through) were enlightening, helpful, comforting, and uplifting. Connecting with my mother and especially with Jim was, of course, best of all."